
Boise State a Possilibty in ’10?

I sure hope so. Michigan should invite the Boise State Broncos to Ann Arbor on September 4th, 2010 to open the newly renovated Big House.

This comes somewhat out of left field, and isn’t even a rumor at this point, so much as it’s a suggestion, and from the most unlikely of sources. Idaho Statesman columnist Brian Murphy posted a recent news item – if you can call it that – about Boise State’s future non-conference schedules. A commenter suggested they travel to Michigan Stadium for the opener in 2010, and this thing has taken of like wildfire.

Of course, that comment wasn’t the source of everyone’s idea – Boise State athletic director Gene Bleymaier said Boise would start thinking about guarantee games to fill its OOC schedule and pad the pocketbooks. ESPN’s Adam Rittenberg picked up on it, along with Brian at MGoBlog. Seeing as how the Michigan athletic department has no problem with paying out guarantee money to get more home games in each season, and they’re still raking in the cash, it’s a match made in heaven: They get their home game without having to promise a return visit, and fans get a living, brething opponent that is respected on a national scale.

Brian’s post lists a number of other teams with openings in their schedule on September 4th, and Boise seems like the best realistic possibility.

Posted under Football